Elegant health

Fungal Nail

Our state-of-the-art Laser Fungal Nail Treatment offers a cutting-edge solution to restore the health and appearance of your nails. Say goodbye to the frustration of fungal nails and step into a world of confidence and comfort with our advanced laser therapy.

Benefits of Laser Fungal Nail Treatment


Efficient Fungal Elimination

Laser treatment targets the source of the infection, providing a more direct and efficient solution compared to topical creams or oral medications.


Non-Invasive and Painless

The procedure is non-invasive, with no need for anesthesia. Patients typically experience minimal discomfort during and after the treatment.


Quick Sessions and Minimal Downtime

Laser Fungal Nail Treatment sessions are quick, often taking 30 minutes or less. There is minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately.


No Side Effects or Damage to Surrounding Tissues

Laser therapy specifically targets the fungal cells, leaving healthy nail tissue and surrounding skin unaffected. This minimises the risk of side effects or damage.

Elegant health

Fungal Nail FAQ's

Fungal Nail

Laser Fungal Nail Treatment is suitable for individuals struggling with fungal nail infections seeking a safe, efficient, and non-invasive solution. Schedule a consultation at Elegant Clinic to discuss your candidacy and take the first step towards healthier, clearer nails.

Rediscover the confidence of flaunting clear, healthy nails with our Laser Fungal Nail Treatment. Book your consultation today by calling 01202096884 and embark on a journey to comfortable, beautiful feet.


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We’re here to help you feel your best. Explore our services, get in touch and book your consultation today.

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Registered Office: 38 Haven Road, Canford Cliffs, BH13 7LP. Company No. 11549000